Project Description: Project provided for the construction of new picnic shelter, restrooms, ramps, overlook, playground, restroom, weigh-in shelter and area, amphitheater, boat ramp extension, road and parking and boardwalk.
The Barren River Lake, Port Oliver Phase II build provided construction and renovations to a lake side facility. Work included construction of asphalt overlay to the existing gravel drive lanes and parking lot servicing the boat ramp, a new asphalt loop road with parking lanes to access the picnic shelter, a restroom on the north side of the parking lot and an ADA loading ramp on the north side of the boat ramp, an overlook, playground and picnic area restroom, a weigh-in shelter and weigh-in area including surrounding sidewalks, amphitheater, 2 lane boat ramp extension, boardwalks on the eastern & western sides of the site along with nine picnic areas along the boardwalk along with all utilities.
Extreme flooding in the winter of 2009, required the shut down on the job site for 2 month and rework on several of the projects resulting in an significant time extension.